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Inclusive Dance festival – Summer 2018 Report

In June 2018 I held an Inclusive Dance Festival at Clare Mount School. 35 pupils from 5 different special schools were involved in the day. They took part in a mass warm up, followed by two workshops with myself and our other Dance teacher, before performing for each other at the end. The students had a chance to meet new people and dance with others from different schools, with different needs and abilities. The morning really highlighted that ‘Everyone can dance’.

The aim of the morning was to promote Para dance and show how Inclusive dance can be. I wanted the pupils and staff to leave having had fun, made new friends and learnt something new. I also wanted to promote future projects/ dance classes available to these pupils and actually spoke to key members of staff about supporting them in their own clubs.

The morning was greatly received and everyone gave really positive feedback. Elleray Park School then booked me in to go to their school for a meeting to set up classes in September.


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